Our Services
The Louisiana MBDA Business Center helps clients secure contract opportunities through a network of partnerships in the private and public sectors. We are also committed to delivering business and technical assistance that aides the significant growth and sustainability of MBEs; helping them improve their competitiveness and impact on the economy through the creation of jobs and increased revenue. Our current services include:
Access to Capital
Identification of domestic and global financing opportunities, equity financing, brokerage of financial transactions, identification and closure of merger and acquisition transactions.
Access to Contracts
Identification of procurement opportunities, solicitation analysis, bid and proposal preparation, negotiation and closing, research contract award histories.
Access to Markets
Government procurement assistance, private sector contract identification, specialized Federal, State, and Local certification assistance, and market research assistance.
Access to Professional Services
Lawyers to assist with contract drafting and reviews; accountants. Agreement required and some fees may apply.
Global Business Development
Identification of export markets, facilitation of global transactions, international trade missions and market analysis, and overseas market promotion assistance.
Strategic Business Consulting
Sales consulting and forecasting, market feasibility studies, operations management and quality control, bid preparation, construction bonding, and facility leasing.
Certification Assistance
For entrepreneurs seeking to increase their visibility in the private and public sectors, we can help you complete your certification packaging for DBE, MBE, Hudson Certification, and more.
Events and Training
DiversifyLA Matchmaking Events and webinars, Monthly Webinar Series, business plan assistance, networking and strategic partnership events.